The Best Chocolate Brownies

Gooey Chocolate Brownies with Ice Cream, chocolate sauce and pecans

Gooey Chocolate Brownies with Ice Cream, chocolate sauce and pecans

Chocolate Pecan Brownies - great on their own too

Chocolate Pecan Brownies – great on their own too

I think one of the first recipes anyone makes when they’re young is brownies.  There are a million different recipes and variations.  This one I refer to as ‘the best’ because it’s dense, chewy and rich– with intense chocolate flavour.  The technique is a little more complex than a basic brownie, but not difficult and the result is worth it.  Eaten alone these are extremely delicious, but assembled on a large plate with some ice cream and a chocolate drizzle kicks it up a level and can easily be served as an elegant dessert.  The recipe calls for “UNSWEETENED” chocolate – usually in a blue box – so don’t mistake it for bittersweet or semi-sweet.  Try it out – this recipe is a keeper. Continue reading