Sausage and Sweet Potato Lasagna (Gluten Free)

Sausage and Sweet Potato Lasagna

Sausage and Sweet Potato Lasagna

It might not seem like it’s the time of year for lasagna, but since this recipe uses thinly sliced sweet potato in place of pasta noodles, it’s quite light and delicious tasting.  I developed this recipe after coming up with the bright idea to use Seed to Sausage caramelized onion and pepper sausages in place of meatballs or ground beef. What a great idea.  Seed to Sausage is a local artisanal sausage and cured meat producer in the Sharbot Lake area and a real “going concern”. I feel pretty lucky to have local access to  their products —  you can probably find their products near you…ask Mr. Google to find out.

Anyhoo…like any fine piece of work, it does take time and involves a little technique – and the results are totally worth it. So. If you’re in the mood, gather your ingredients, prep your layers and whip this up.  Even the lasagna haters in my house  were begging for more.  The added ‘gluten free’ bonus makes this a perfect dinner party main course if you have a gluten free guest – trust me, everyone will be happy.  A crisp salad with a homemade vinaigrette and a simple, fresh dessert completes the picture. ‘Tis the season for fresh and seasonal ingredients! Yay! Continue reading

Healthy Sweet Potato Breakfast Cookies

Healthy Sweet Potato Breakfast Cookies

Healthy Sweet Potato Breakfast Cookies


I like to have a stash of these in the freezer.  They’re great for breakfast on the run, or as a snack you can throw in your purse on those days when you’re running around and lunch doesn’t look like an option.  Either way, they are a (gluten free) energy boost that is tasty with minimal sugar.  Using organic ingredients and local, farm-raised eggs ups the anti on nutrition here as well. Continue reading